Our mission, vision, strategic focus & goals

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CMASA is a non-profit association, promoting professionalism, ethics values and excellence through education, networking and support for the individual Case Manager and the collective development of case management in South Africa.

Our Mission, Vision and Definition
To positively impact and improve client/member well-being and healthcare outcomes in a cost-effective manner, without compromising on care.
Our Strategic Focus, Values and Goals
Strategic Focus
To achieve the position whereby a Case Manager is formally recognised as clinical practitioner specialist, as a part of the healthcare co-ordination and rehabilitation team who empower doctors, clients/members to understand and access good quality and efficient healthcare, without compromising on care.

Our Background

The Case Manager Association of South Africa (CMASA) is a registered section 21 company, founded in 2009.

The demands of managed healthcare and the pressure on all sectors to manage a holistic event both, in hospital as well as out of hospital, by efficiently and effectively managing each patient event has increased the need for a profession body to be recognised and to support its members in this every changing environment.
The Case Manager is continuously evolving and has become an integral part of a team, managing and co-ordinating treatment/care, with the clinical outcomes based on quality care, disease management and cost effectiveness. (appropriate treatment for the appropriate patient at the appropriate time). Being the advocate for the patients and where necessary, their families.

A professional Case Manager of today is expected to support the bottom line by assisting in the delivery of quality healthcare. To achieve this, the Case Manager needs to be appropriately qualified, skilled and experienced in order to deliver the expectation and the value.

The integration of Case Management within the hospital, medical schemes and managed care organisations is fundamental to the process of the delivery and management of client/member care.  CMASA therefore, in recognising the value that Case Managers bring to an organisation, feels strongly that there needs to be comprehensive supporting structures in both formal education and informal communication together with the establishment of a new professional category for the personal and career development of individuals who have taken on the challenge of becoming Case Managers.

As the organisation grows we recognise that Case Management is a function also used outside the hospital, health schemes and managed health care organisations. Case Management is also utilised in coordination of rehabilitation and vocational (return to work) programmes, where injury on duties; work and non-work related injuries and illnesses impacts an employee's ability to stay at or return to work.

CMASA has endorsed the training and development of clinical Case Managers practising in South Africa through recognised academic institutions as well as looking into endorsing certification for prior learning based on a criteria set by the National Board and endorsed by Duxah (The DUX Academy of Healthcare).

Our Team

Our association is lead by an amazing executive board and supported by a team of national operation committee members who all work tirelessly towards achieving our goals.

Executive Board

Carol Garner
Carol GarnerManaging Director | Global Case Management Solutions
Erna van Rooyen
Erna van RooyenDivisional Coding Training and Compliance Manager | Netcare
Alison Brandes
Alison BrandesScheme Manager | Momentum Health Solutions
Sharon Doré
Sharon DoréOperations Director

National Operational Committee

Yvonne Bredenhann
Yvonne BredenhannChairpersonyvonne@casemanagement.co.za
083 227 4773
Sally Naidoo
Sally NaidooSecretarysally@casemanagement.co.za
083 225 4748
Marthie Kruger
Marthie KrugerMarketingmarthie@casemanagement.co.za
081 522 8700
Kay Cupido
Kay CupidoCommunicationskay@casemanagement.co.za
082 618 5494
Tanuja Ranjit
Tanuja RanjitMembershiptj@casemanagement.co.za
068 287 3898

Get in touch

Contact us if you have any questions.

“We are the vital link as, the patient advocates. We are the key between funder and hospital, and no matter which side of the fence you find yourself just remember, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!”
- Yvonne Bredenhann, Chairperson

Case Manager Association of South Africa